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Social Dance

Closing event with the Bundesjugendballett and young people

The World of John Neumeier dance festival will also take place in community organizations. Before and during the festival, the members of Bundesjugendballett will dance, choreograph, and have fun with children and young people from the Stulz-von-Ortenberg-Schule and the Kinder- und Jugendheim Baden-Baden. Social commitment is very important to the Bundesjugendballett. "I am always impressed by where the BJB is doing its projects," says John Neumeier. The dancers have already given captivating performances at establishments for young and elderly people, hospitals, and even prisons. The results of the work done during The World of John Neumeier festival will be presented to the public.


Jugendlichen der Stulz-von-Ortenberg-Schule


In collaboration with: L-Bank
