La Grande Gare
Autumn Festival
An autumn of enlightenment and confidence. In other words, what is needed at the moment, and uplifting to boot, both spiritually and politically. Did you know that in the 19th century, the great oratorios contributed to the formation of a self-confident citizenry? People met to sing, cry, laugh and dream of a better world. Haydn's "Creation" with its chaos and its paradise acted as an initial spark. By Mozart's "Requiem", a holy seriousness had taken hold of everyone. As always, the whole thing will be conducted by Thomas Hengelbrock, who will bring his Balthasar Neumann Ensemble with him. Hengelbrock will also present Gluck's Iphigenia opera in concert.
Program 2024
SAT 16.11.24/SUN 17.11.24/SUN 24.11.24
Workshop 16 and 17 NovemberDas Singfest ist eine feste Größe bei den Herbstfestspielen. Laien singen mit Profis, am Schluss geht es dann gemeinsam auf die Bühne. Im Projektchor kann jeder mitmachen, unter Anleitung der Dozentinnen und Dozenten des Balthasar-Neumann-Chores.
FRI 22.11.24
Thomas HengelbrockIt was a triumph! With the success of his Iphigénie en Tauride, the German Gluck prevailed in his place of work in Paris. Opera as an expression of "humanité": here Gluck struck a chord with the audience on the eve of the French Revolution...